Showing respect while driving to a unknown person for no reason other than the fact that they are driving the same car as you. Having the same make and model are key in this behavior occurring; an identical color scheme on top of these existing similarities will cause for the most immediate and conscious realization of this sudden urge of appreciation.
Example: "I gave the guy driving in front of me on the highway a 3-second space cushion because he was driving a silver civic, exactly like mine. I soon realized the only reason why I was doing this was because of Carmaraderie."
by el_diablo_blanco August 31, 2011
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The act of a whole line-up of cars forming an unfuckwitable alliance again assholes trying to cut in.
"I love the sense of carmaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent an ass from cutting in at the front."
by loltatz May 19, 2010
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