Cardboardia is the spiffiest forum ((*cough* Cult.)) ever. It was made for a place to talk about The Pencil Show and ask stolen Lord of the Rings characters questions. It's predecesors were the Green Pub and the EzBoard Pub. The members are extremely close and incredibly insane. Fanboys are an endangered species, thus there is Immortality Spray in CBia (abbr. for Cardboardia). *glomp*

*subliminal message* Buy tprte or Kyo will eat your firstborn child!

"You may now... kiss the bridge!"

Chris Podima: Mmm...white wine.

Random CBian: Keru makes pie.
Keru Yakawashi: ¬_¬ I don't make pie.

Fire: Three arms, triple the pleasure!

Galadriel: *flies in* Would you like some cheese? *flies out*
by Fire January 24, 2004
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I want to snog Cardboardia.
by Xylia February 23, 2004
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