something that is bittersweet.
getting a good half and a bad half to something.
John: So Tom did u get that English class you wanted?

Tom: Yea man. I love it. However the teacher is a total bitch!

John: Yea, well you can't have your cake and eat it too.
by sergio0691 November 8, 2006
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An expression basically meaning that you can only have it so good, and you can't have it all.

An good example is if a situation is bittersweet.
Sara was sad that the guy whom had gotten very close to her in the past 3 years which she held a secret fondness for developed an interest in her best friend, Clare. In conversation with Clare, Sara explained the situation, to which Clare responded.

"You can't have your cake and eat it too."
by ThatOneHuman December 4, 2005
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you cant enjoy what is yours. you can work or you can enjoy.

you work really hard and finish a report, someone else takes credit.


you have a gorgeous girlfriend whom only others enjoy in bed.
you enjoy fishing and eating fish, you catch a fish, but your wife eats it.

she says "You can't have your cake and eat it too"
by geneva rain August 11, 2006
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Phrase used to get an annoying person to quit bothering you. If it doesn't work the first time, say it louder and louder until they stop bothering you.
Annoying stepbrother: Lemme play SSBB with you!
Me: Go away kid. I hate you.
Stepbrother: No! I wanna play it!
Me: We ain't rich! This is why we can't have nice things.
by Thunder Chunky July 2, 2008
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A phrase heard in the Pink Floyd song, "Another Brick in the Wall". Extremely funny.
Son: "Mom, can I have some pudding?"
Mom: "You haven't eaten your meat yet."
Son: "But mom!"
Mom: "Son, you know that: 'If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"
Son: "Don't be quoting Pink Floyd on me again..."
by DuBois March 23, 2006
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A phrase used by a middle aged New Englander conservative who has a boston accent and is a die hard patriots fan
used when going to get some dinosaur crunch.
*man driving son and friends to ice cream shop*

Man: I can't wait to have some of that DINOSAUR CRUNCH!
*no one even answers him, or looks at him*
Man looks in rearview mirror and says
"What the FUCK is wrong with you guys?
by ArtySims February 23, 2009
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The phrase used to describe when you are unable or unwilling to accept something, usually a large issue on the person's behalf.
Person 1: Shit, I'm about to die! I can't have that!
by an extremely depressed bandu November 3, 2022
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