Mean’s you smell like pussy and your nudes suck and you probably smell like ball cheese with your morning breathe
“You cal
what does that mean?
by ILOVEDICKMONKEY February 9, 2021
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A very attractive young man, he is often very smart and is very good to be around. He does have a “savage” side to him and likes to shout ESKETIT whenever possible. But all up he is a great guy
Omg that guy is such a cal
by SAAAAAAAAVAGE August 2, 2018
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an extremely trustworthy and kind person. they usually are huge softies for close friends and partners. avid liker and user of deez nuts and sex jokes. they will always be there when you need them most and will happily help you with anything you need support with. cals are typically extremely short but have a large personality
person 1: whos that?
person 2: oh thats cal!
by calsbitch June 9, 2021
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