CBSD is an elite underground organization consisting

typically of Croatian males, (sometimes females) that gather together and smoke dank weed (Mostly on Sunday Nights). CBSD has existed since 1926 when it was founded in Croatia, but has remained low key..... keep it that way, or an estimated 14,000 Croatians wont be happy. CBSD members must be

1. At least 25% Croatian


2. A good wingman

CBSD is famous for throwing chill parties and its attractive members. The Elite CBSD members are the ones who attract most of the females to CBSD parties. No other nationality can do it better, but they still try and fail to mimic CBSD. Other races may join, but often do not because of the dominant Croatian "Elite Government." An estimated 75% of CBSD members are highly athletic and are usually the LAX Bros at your schools. IF not in LAX they most definitely are general "Bros."

(Cro Bros Smoking Dro)
Hey, u going to that CBSD meeting?

You want to be a CBSD member?!! HAHAAH good luck nerd.
by Classified CBSD Elite November 14, 2010
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