Refers to a cigarette, usually smoked in the company of shady and/or gully individuals. The term "bwain" is derived from "bone", a more common and somewhat less grimy reference to cigarettes.
Shall we retire to the bwainsment for some sweet bwain action?

Dude, I'm bwained out of my fucking mind.

I am so fucking bwained right now.
by Sleeeze Smiff January 13, 2009
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Brain. It's when someone is not able to pronaunce "r" correctly.
A: Bwains, bwains!
B: Yo! What are you saying?!
A: Bwains!
B: Aaa, brains! Okay, you obviously have problems with the "r"!
by GringoStar September 16, 2020
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Your brain is so Smoove it can do flips, very intelligent, you are capable to be the most immaculate person in the whole world. If you have a Smoove Bwain you are an intellectual, PERIODT.
"I got such a Smoove Bwain, all these ugly wrinkly bwains can't compare."

"You should see Emily's Smoove Bwain, she got a whole A in her test because of it."

"Being a Wrinkle Brain is such horror, I wish I had a Smoove Bwain like Alex."
by Biggest Smoove Bwain 101 January 7, 2021
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