Being butthurt means being aggravated, pissed off, or bugged over something completely trivial. Usually when people are butthurt they are really dramatic about it. Most people like to laugh at or even mock the annoyance of butthurt people because their reasoning for being so butthurt is ridiculously stupid.
Guy 1: Typical Chandler is butthurt again about us drinking one of his beers and hiding his bike.

Guy 2: Yeah, he was really butthurt last night when he lost beer pong and I called him a little bitch.
Guy 1: When will Chandler ever learn to take a joke?

Guy 2: Who cares? Its funny.
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Butthurticitis (but-her-tih-si-tis), a life-ending pandemic targeting the central nervous system. Most commonly found amongst Armenians, but can also be found within Kurds, Assyrians, Greeks, Bulgarians, amongst others. It is a two stage disease that is spread through coming into conflict with Turks.

In the initial stage, or most commonly called "the conflict phase", the patient experiences violent movements, uncontrolled excitement, shock, confusion, possibly loss of consciousness, and likely to ultimately result in death.

In the second stage, often called "genocide recognition phase", the survivors are left with an incurable case of Butthurticitis. The severity of the contamination may vary from case to case. The time period between contracting the disease and the start of symptoms is usually between one month to several years. The patient feels Turcophobia, anxiety, insomnia, confusion, agitation, abnormal behavior, anti-social tendencies, paranoia, terror, and hallucinations progressing to delirium. Patients tend to believe that another conflict with Turks may alleviate the symptoms resulting from the initial conflict. Patients hallucinate "genocide" where none existed, and seek to sow discord between Turks and the uninfected populace which may lead to more cases of Butthurticitis.
Johnny: Tigran was protesting in front of the Turkish embassy.
George: Yeah I know, he has a severe case of butthurticitis.
by doctor_em_ef_er April 29, 2015
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When someone takes a joke to heart and is very offended over something that is not a big deal.
Anthony and Austin are playing a game and Anthony beats Austin. Austin then gets angry and leaves the party because he is butthurt
by ChefPeePee December 14, 2017
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getting your feelings hurt, or getting all bent out of shape.
He got all butt hurt when she wouldnt give him a ride.
by jude-e December 5, 2001
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(v) - The act of whining when someone hurts someone else's feelings, usually by taking strides to be excessively vocal about it, mainly in public.
Oh you are so wrong, like, oh my gawd. What the eff is wrong with you? Were you like, born somewhere else or something? Seriously, like, who the fuck are you to come in here and be like that. Yeah. For Reals. Quit being butthurt and take a chill pill.
by Phaeton Brutalis September 16, 2010
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when somebody like a troll for example wants to sound like it's not that big of a deal just because he doesn't want to be acccused for doing something horrible he'll call his victim this word as an excuse for his offenses
troll: wow you're really butthurt over 9/11? people died so what lol u mad? i know you are because you can't say that calmly
by DankWeed420 May 16, 2016
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person 1: my anus is butthurt

person 2: why
person 1: i fucked my giraffeeeee 🦒
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