No but it’s a good thing the whore fucked a literal cripple because now if you improve yourself it’ll be because a whore fucked a deformed mongoloid and not because you want to improve yourself. It’s great! It’s fantastic even! That she rode his diseased cock. Phenomenal!
Hym “And there goes the butterfly effect thinking! I knew it was coming! Did I do this one already? No? Ok, I’ll explain. Here’s an example ‘It’s good that she screwed Rain man because then it lead you to do *blank*’ and, before she fucked the retard, a butterfly farted in Africa, which startled a rhino, which caused a stampede that traumatized the the guy who molested the retard, which led to the molestation, which led to the little girl touching that caused him to be sent to the group home in the first place! If that’s the case, by your own logic, it’s just splendifferous that he got molested because that leads to him getting his own sex cult! Hurray child molesters!!! Furthermore, for the *blank* to be ‘good’, I need to make it good. Manually. And I don’t necessarily need the outcome to be good. I’d even go as far as to say that YOU need the outcome to be good more than I do! I don’t even WANT the outcome to be good! I would much rather feed the whore some copper chef! So, why should I allow it? Open question. Why should I allow you to force me to make the outcome of something the YOU SIGN OFF ON and I DO NOT, good? What do I get? Robbed repeatedly? Good answer. Mocked and ridiculed? Awesome. You’re a master debater.”
by Hym Iam October 12, 2022
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