One who clings to the butt of another as a monkey clings to a tree, a butt-kisser.
I can't beleive you bought a birthday present for your boss, you are such a butt-monkey.
by Phantom004 August 22, 2005
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A Butt-Monkey is someone who worships another person. They laugh at all their jokes whether they're funny or not, they think they're great even when they're not and generally strive to spend as much time with that person as they can. The person the Butt-Monkeys follow is called a Butt-Monkey King or Queen.

by Anonymous February 28, 2003
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1. A general insult.
2. A sycophant, or "brown-noser."
3. Someone who is extremely irritating or annoying, a "pain in the ass."
1. God, you're such a butt monkey.
2. Jones is such a kiss-ass butt monkey.
3. Dammit! Would you stop being such a butt monkey and LEAVE ME ALONE?!
by Anonymous April 20, 2003
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Someone whose frequent nincompoopery and/or lack of intelectual capacity subjects themselves to public ridicule.
Karen's was such a butt monkey that she put her underwear on backwards
by sean April 1, 2003
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A monkey that lives in somebody's butt, or a very pesky person who you want to feed to a rabid Mako shark.
Stop being such a butt-monkey and help me clean this garage!
by Shawn B. May 22, 2003
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A stupid follower of a ridiculously over rated thing.A brainless idiot whos idea and opinions should not be allowed to be heard
You like Bose you butt monkey
by bob griffiths March 10, 2004
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a term appropriate when someone has upset you by being an idiot.
'Hey. You shouldn't have done that butt monkey!'
'Um, no one says 'She is called.' Butt monkey!!!'
by apologeticbuttmonkey April 24, 2008
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