Adjective something or someone that is annoying. A person, place, thing or situation can be "buggo". Another way to say you are bugged or if something is getting on your nerves.
This traffic is really buggo. That car salesman is buggo. When I have headache, everything is buggo to me.
by Beckos and Jennie December 16, 2011
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it's what every pornstar does when they're trying to act like they're getting turned on but in reality they're really bored and disappointed with their sex partner
person1:"What did you do yesterday"
by ok then i want die January 22, 2020
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Pronounced boo-go, means big, especially when talking in terms of money.
Jimmy must have buggo bucks, hes been carrying aroung fat stacks of 100's the whole time I've known him.
by Bob the lob January 25, 2021
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