The act of farting in a glass and admiring its fragrance like a fine wine, generally enjoyed by yuppies and smug people, particularly those called Alan (pronounced Al-lain)
Guy A- Hi, Alan isn't it?
Guy B- Actually its pronounced Al-lain
Guy A- Right, sorry AL- LAIN, would you like red or white wine?
Guy B- I'll just take an empty glass, I fancy a brown wine today *Ppprrrrppp!!!*
by paggywaggygumdrops March 25, 2020
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The act of taking a shit in the shower and stomping it down the drain while it mixes itself with the water. Similar to the act of stomping on grapes to produce wine.
Hey dudes, sorry for making a mess in the shower. I was making brown wine
by RudolfMagnusson May 13, 2019
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A light-hearted reference to Coke or Pepsi when everyone else is ordering wine or other more adult/sophisticated beverages.
"I'll have the sparkeling brown wine."
by m610 December 20, 2006
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