The basketball player that every girl thinks is cute but doesn't know his age or team or position or number.
OMG is that bronny? He's so cuteeeee
by jason the asian May 7, 2020
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Bronnie fun loving great human kindness full of confidence very kind soft and soulful. Makes friends no matter where she is, will to help at a drop of a hat. Doesn’t let Friday Saturday Sunday ruin her Monday
Bronnie Is a kind hearted person
by November 28, 2021
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A girl, usually small and ginger, with a big heart.
Has a cute lisp.
Girl(small ginger girl): It was waining weally woughly yesterday
Boy: AWWWWW! You are such a bronnie!
by PlaidDragon September 10, 2007
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Someone who usually lacks of knoledge, acts under thier age, usually from maryland, and is homosexual.
by cuntboy2themax December 31, 2009
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1. A sussy kid who plays with the FaZe Clan instead of Basketball.

2.To deny who your father is and says another guy is your father.
Bronny James
Bronny James
Bronny James
by Ebekaksns January 3, 2022
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I bitch ass teenager who is about to get an ass wooping from his father lebron james after that bitch smoked the weed. Also has a big heart for his boyfriend zaya. Always ready to get fucked in the ass by zaya or vice versa. Also is black and good at basketball
John: hey did you see bronny last Night
Bob: yea his video was crazy on the hub
John: him and zaya where crazy under the sheets
Bob: I might pull a bronny James later tonight
by Caruso 1 o 1 October 12, 2020
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People named or nicknamed Bronny tend to be hilarious, goofy and fun to be around, albeit introverted. They struggle with mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, or depression, but they try their hardest nonetheless.They are great people, and most of the time, hella gay.
Person 1: Did you see that girl that just walked by?
Person 2: Yeah! She was probably a Bronny.
by canadagiurl November 10, 2015
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