A fan of the popular My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic animated show, developed by Lauren Faust.

Usually enjoys taking part in communities related to the show.

May or may not use a name inspired by the show and/or an image from the show as an avatar.

Typically tries to stay open minded, civil and tolerant.

Word comes from "bro" and "pony", but applies to both genders.
Person A: Hey, is that My Little Pony that you're watching?
Person B: Yeah, I'm a brony. The show was developed by Lauren Faust, who was involved with Powerpuff Girls. The animation is above average, and it isn't dumbed down as most animated shows these days. Give it a try, you might like it.
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An adult man who is into My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Can be found in the bowels of 4chan that is /b/ as well as most other image boards across the web.
Mark is a total Bronie, he's been watching My Little Pony all day.
by Picklesrtasty May 31, 2011
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Bronies are the teenage and adult fans (mostly male) of the television show, "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"
Though the term "brony" is gender-neutral, some female fans instead refer to themselves as "Pegasisters"
Bronies are generally people who decide to judge something on its quality, instead of whether it's "cool" or "manly" enough.
I'm a brony and I'm proud of it.
by Superjerk February 15, 2012
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Bronies internet convo=

Brony "yo man, you seen the new episode last night?"
Brony 2 "totally, midnight sparkle was the bomb with that friendship blast."
by Astram22 February 20, 2011
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A silly man who saw an episode of My Little Pony FiM and came to the idiotic conclusion that it was actually worth watching. If there are any in a forum, you can find them quickly, as their sugary avatars and tendency to attack anyone who dislikes their show give them away immediately.

Many excuses are given for this behavior. First is that they like being outside the mainstream, gender norms and societal standards that would require them to act like men don't apply to them, and since they have a right to enjoy MLP, you can’t call them out on it. Often, these bronies will quote C.S. Lewis to deflect accusations of immaturity. Weird Al wrote a parody song for this kind of behavior. It's called "Dare to be Stupid".

Sometimes, instead of being “courageous”, they'll tenaciously maintain, quite ludicrously, that FiM is really a quality show for all ages with good animation, dialogue, and storylines. Those of us with taste and testosterone realize that it has no quality as such.

Basically, bronies are luzers - and quite testy about it too. They're well known to spam up threads with ponies just to prove a point, and this motive doesn’t stay hidden long - once the resistance stops (often by a misguided moderator granting the bronies an easy victory), so does the spam. Despite this, few moderators seem willing to kick them out.

Bronies are a blight on any internet community they join. It's as simple as that.

Normal Person: Get over yourself already.
by SHOTGUN CHUCK January 26, 2013
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Fans of the new iteration of the "My Little Pony" franchise; the catch being they are outside than the target demographic (often male 13-30). "Brony" is a gender-neutral term (though for females "bronette" is sometimes used). Formed from the words bro and pony.

Bronies, unlike /b/tards, tend to NOT hate everyone on their sites, and seem to have Unitarian Unviersalist-esque values.

According to KYM, Bronies is at the level of "Internet Subculture" (same level as furries).

Contrary to popular belief, not all bronies have a fetish for horses, or even furry fetishes.
by Ponky Poo July 11, 2011
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A Chaldean who has a very thick accent and wears many gold chains and heavy cologne. Usually always refers to everyone as bro. Also usually plays loud rap and hip-hop while driving with the windows down.
"I went to the Armani Exchange the other day and saw the biggest Broni ever"
by Broni Broni May 23, 2008
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