A combination of two games: Beirut and horse. This sport is the same as the basketball game of horse, except in this game you try to bounce a ping-pong ball (or any small ball) into a cup. To see how the game is played, watch "Billy's Balls 2" on YouTube.
by NeedhamUltimate January 6, 2008
The planned entity for Thaumcraft 7 (Minecraft modification) which is a combination of a horse and an arcane bore from the previous versions of Thaumcraft.
Also referred to as Borse.
Also referred to as Borse.
by vili417 April 29, 2023
Borse is a horse that is a bucket. A horse that is either within a bucket or IS a bucket. If the horse is not within a bucket or a bucket, it is just a horse. Not borse.
Friend 1: AHH A borse! Help!
Friend 2: A what?
Friend 1: That horse is a bucket, dude!!
Friend 1: AH HELP
Friend 2: Borse kinda sounds like a slur tho lmao
Friend 1: *dead*
Friend 2: A what?
Friend 1: That horse is a bucket, dude!!
Friend 1: AH HELP
Friend 2: Borse kinda sounds like a slur tho lmao
Friend 1: *dead*
by SussyKay November 21, 2021
"No, we don't have any borses here. Y'all Fairchild youngins are straight crazy, must have been all those darn blintzes."
random hick from upstate NY
random hick from upstate NY
by orangegirl311 July 18, 2009