Coined from the hit movie "Mean Girls" by the excellent actress Rachel McAdams. It can mean many things, either friendly or non. Mostly used as a greeting, or as a burn, bitch. It's a flexible saying, but be sure you're friendly before using in a joking manner, it could be offensive as well.
Jeanean: "Hey Kylie!"
Kylie: "Boo you whore! what are you up to girl?"
Geneva: "I'm so upset! My boyfriend David broke up with me!"
Olivia: "Boo, you whore-- get over it!"
Barbie Barbara: "Damn, I'm hot in my A&F jeans."
Emo Emily: "Boo, you fucking whore! Get over yourself, cake face!"
by Jeanean_The_Hottie January 13, 2007
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coined from the hit movie "Mean Girls" by the excellent actress Rachel McAdams. It can mean many things, either friendly or non. Mostly used as a greeting, or as a burn, bitch.
Jeanean: "Hey Kylie!"
Kylie: "Boo you whore! what are you up to girl?"

Geneva: "I'm so upset! My boyfriend David broke up with me!"
Olivia: "Boo, you whore-- get over it!"

Barbie Barbara: "Damn, I'm hot in my A&F jeans."
Emo Emily: "Boo, you fucking whore! Get over yourself, cake face!"
by Sophie_Fatale January 3, 2007
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its kinda like saying boo you, you whore!
go find me a picture of a gorillas life cycle
go look it up yourself
boo you whore
by Marmamarm October 19, 2007
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To put shame on someone who doesn't feel shame on their own.
Heather: "I got drunk and slept with a two bit whore last night."
Rebecca: "Boo On You!"
by Kecca January 24, 2005
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when someone upsets liz. liz is either not happy with your response or actions. When this phrase is said, you must fix your mistake immediately.
An example of when this phrase would be used is if somone would have said,"liz, i dont think this is a good idea".
by the liz December 1, 2004
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A catch phrase giving appraisal towards an action or comment. It is commonly used by hoes identifying with other hoes. Yes Boo!
Vivianne: Jimmy dicked me down yesterday!
Jonathan: Yes Boo, You Already Know Boo!!!
by Mr.BooBoo December 18, 2016
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1. When there is clearly a better way of doing something but someone prefers their way instead
2. When someone is on a mission and getting shit done.

***mostly used used in good humor***
Person: "why are you doing that for???"
Friend: "leave me alone"
Person:" okay! Do you boo."

Person 1: "look at John Doe over there doing all that complicated shit"

Person 2: "shoot, do you boo!"

Friend: "I know it's weird but I like do this l, this, and that. Don't judge me"
Person: "Do you boo."
Friend: " :)"
by Vinv23 December 5, 2015
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