a cloth that is like a towel, but it's usually heavier and instead of drying you, it keeps you warm. Most people like to keep blankets on their bed at night. Blankets are totally sweet
damn I love my blanket
by where am i? February 8, 2005
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the tendency to attract and/or hog all of the blankets during sleep.
I was freezing all night because my wife has an extremely high blanketivity.
by SykoSam February 20, 2009
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Blanketing is the newest internet sensation where one wears a blanket over their head in various public settings and posts a picture online. This is the new "planking" except it is way more fun, and planking is pretty stupid anyway.
Person 1: Hey, you look stupid with that blanket on your head

by silky$ June 11, 2012
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POT! "Blanket" is a codeword you use when you want to talk about weed in a public place or in front of parents or whatever. Multiply the number of blankets by ten to get their monetary value. If someone isn't getting it, try "green blankets."
1. "Dude, I'm cold, let's go get warm with some blankets."

2. "Oh man I have 8 blankets in the back of my car, we are having FUN tonight."

3. "Hey I think I left a couple blankets in your car, have you seen them?"
by Burner aka Klitz December 31, 2005
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One who will defend his or her share of blankets by any means necessary.
Oftentimes blanketeers will even go so far as to deprive the second party in the bed of adequate amounts of blanket for sufficient coverage.
"Dammit Allison, I’m freezing, you are such a blanketeer."
"Christ man, I woke up totally sans covers this morning, Ruddy is such a blaneteer."
by Luke and Dennis January 16, 2008
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A little bitch ,they cry a lot because they are bitches.
person1: Hey whats wrong?
person2: sob* I don't want to watch this scary movie
person1:Stop being a little blanket
by mr feeney June 8, 2007
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You people are fucking retarded! A blanket is a Sheet, or 100 hits, of LSD.
This is why no child left behind doesn't work: No one actually knows what the fuck a Blanket really is. smh.
by T.Scriber001 November 13, 2011
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