When a person becomes so involved in a conversation that he/she begins to babble and talk continuously despite having lost complete track of their thoughts. The person who is blambering will feel as if they know exactly where their train of thought is headed and are conscious of the direction the conversation is leaning when, in fact, they are not aware in the slightest of what they are actually talking about anymore. The speaker may begin to hurl incorrect facts and insulting opinions before even recognizing their own thoughts. This then can lead the conversation into a snowball of mixed emotions on both the sending and receiving ends.
Brianna began to blamber about how Justin Timberlake is the superior male figure in the world and this lasted for nearly 20 minutes before the one-sided conversation ended with her in tears and her friend incredibly confused.
by Ray Davy August 30, 2018
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Babble, to say things without reason or meaning.
by mistycc March 4, 2022
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