English name regarding someone who is a recluse and tends to chill in the mountains and forests more than with other people. Blackhurst’s like to be productive and are really successful in life, especially from a financial standpoint.
by Moose_Gun March 7, 2019
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Someone that’s honest with everyone. A Blackhurst, can be your friend or your worst enemy. Blackhurst’s, in general are quite successful in life and are quite intelligent.
That Blackhurst was a stand up person. What a role model that Blackhurst is.
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Brayden is the type of guy that just wants to smash. He usually has brownish hair and brown eyes. Some people might say he's a fuck boy. He usually dates girls that are tall and have red hair. He can tend to date bitches sometimes... or more like most of the time. If you really want the real definition pretty much is a guy that will fuck anything that walks.
Damn look at that guy over there! He's fucking that weird guy john! That must be a Brayden blackhurst!
by Fuck_boiiiiii September 17, 2017
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