When a male is out and about looking for a human female / possible mate.
Hey boys wanna go bird hunting this weekend at the mall?
by Dall smick July 23, 2019
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When your girlfriend or wife , is seeing red, reaches down your throat to grab your dick from the inside, and proceeds to remove it through your esophagus

See also: grouse skinning
If you don't quit being an idiot, I'm taking ya bird hunting
by Oldskoo83 October 27, 2017
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When someone happens to shoot their friend while hunting, both intential or accidential. Made famous by Dick Cheney's hunting accident.
Phillip: Hey bro, if this turns into a presidential bird hunt, I will dismember you. Brutally.

Todd: Yeah, no problem.
by Greyshades November 8, 2009
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A Google Bird Hunt is an event where you gather up in a group of 5 to 10 people in order to hunt blue, red, yellow or green birds, representing the colors of the popular technology company Google. Whoever gets the most birds wins.

To enter a Google Bird Hunt, you mustn't have a microfilm in your heart. If you are caught having one, your access to the Google Bird Hunt will be suspended.
Person 1: "Your access to this Google bird hunt has been suspended due to a microfilm found in your heart."
Person 2: "What does this knowledge come from"
by AZMindroma March 24, 2022
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When you are on the hunt for things to re reowner items you can grab and re sell for a profit
Me an my homie got some bad ass shit when we went bird hunting yesterday
by Wylder youngan April 6, 2023
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