The most awesome movie ever made. Two punk kids from the 80's (Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter) go back in time with a phone booth.
by bryan18 August 3, 2005
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An aewsome movie where these two dudes go in a time machine and bring back all these famous people for this school project.
Total "dude" count: 246
by darkdreamer July 21, 2003
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A cheese sandwich that pairs most excellently with watching the Bill and Ted series.

White Bread
Craft Cheese Singles

Place a slice of bread in the center of a microwave safe plate, add 1 slice of cheese, add 1 slice of bread. Repeat until you have a 4 tier tower of bread and cheese.

Microwave on high until the cheese melts and you have a soggy tower of cheese and bread.

I’ll be god damned if I don’t eat a mother fucking Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure Cheese Sandwich every time I watch Bill and Ted!
by FreeGuitarLessons August 28, 2020
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