The stereotypical large, African male individual you see when you're out at the grocery store.
Your sister: Day-um! Who's that dude? He looks strapped.
Me: Looks like Big Nick Digger if you ask me.
Your sister: Hells yeah! I'm about to find out fo-sho! If I'm walking funny tomorrow, you'll know why!
by MacTruck518 October 21, 2012
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(not to be confused with big dick n-word)

1) people who cheat their way into obtaining large sums of money, and don't pay taxes on thus illegally obtained money

2) (a simple trolling word)

3) can also be used to describe people who unscrupulously nick (i.e. stealing money, in British English) and then dig it.

4) can also be described people who legally dig big nicks , i.e make big sums of money
Bernard Madoff, Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Fouquet, Conrad Black are some legendary names among big nick diggers. However, all these individuals, except Fouquet, were sentenced to prison by a jury of their peers for corruption
by Sexydimma November 19, 2013
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big nick diggers

1) people who cheat their way into obtaining large sums of money, and don't pay taxes on thus illegally obtained money
2) (a simple trolling word): it makes you think about something else.

3) can also be used to describe people who unscrupulously nick (is stealing money, in British English) and then dig it.
Bernard Madoff, Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Fouquet, Conrad Black are some legendary names among big nick diggers. However, all these individuals, except Fouquet- condemned to the Bastille by a lettre de cachet- were sentenced to life by a jury of their peers.
by Sexydimma June 21, 2013
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