Something that must have been heavy during the 2011 Grammys according to news anchor Serene Branson.
"Well a very, very heaveh, ah heavy do it bertation tonight. We had a very dares-dareson...bite let's go ahead, terris tazingless to the bit and have the pet." -Serene Branson
by jackson edison February 28, 2011
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Bertation, a term coined by CBS News' Serene Branson, can be simply defined as a massive error in a normal sentence, where it gives the impression you are either

a.) Possessed by demons
b.) Mentally retarded
c.) Having a stroke
d.) From the moon.
There was a heavy bertation tonight

Hey, so how abou dears der aer taerss oh my god, I totally just had a bertation
by Bertation February 17, 2011
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Very he-vay. As coined by Serene Branson of CBS Channel 2 News.
Well a very, very heavy- uh- heavy- divi- bertation tonight. We had a very deras- derason. By- let’s go ahe- teras- tazin- lshtbdt- hedapet.
by Bryanplayspiano February 14, 2011
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Going Full Derp or generally just failing to engage your brain before speaking.
Serene Branson had a Very Heavy Bertation tonight.
by AKA4 February 14, 2011
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The feeling you get for someone who only won two grammy's when they were nominated for ten.
Well a very very hepay uh hevay da bertation tonight we had a very dara dareson bite lets go hit tara tazen engschlebet dey had da pit.
by Dareson Engschlebet February 18, 2011
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Another word for fail, deriving from Serene Branson's attempt at reporting from the Grammies, resulting in her melting down on live television in what appeared to be an impersonation of someone having a stroke.
Dude, did you see that YouTube video of Serene Branson, that was such a bertation!
by Jaxsbudgie March 2, 2011
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Similar to a dowry, but involving a sexual favor of the father's choosing.
Ely had a very derison, but was anxious there might be a heavy bertation, so he hedge en a peth lebet.
by Doctor Galactic c/o Benjammin February 18, 2011
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