Someone (usually male) within the IT industry who is furnished with growth around the chin, cheeks and throat area of the face.

They tend to babble using computer jargon rather than use the Queens English.

Moreover, the word "beardy" is often used to offend someone, irrespective of whether facial hair is present or not.
Feck off Beardy!
by Mongrel Pete Singer January 28, 2004
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1) Noun. Word describing a huge, hairy and deformed penis.

2) A warhammer geek.
Oh my god what a huge Beardy that is indeed!!
by 21 21 September 11, 2006
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An IT techie nerd type commonly found skulking away in the back offices of IT departments of large companies. Also usually wears glasses and cheap un-ironed shirts (bought by his mother as he doesn't know his own collar size).
by Luciano Lovelace January 27, 2004
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a penis toucher, someone who enjoys touching penis although insists there straight.
Fred "see that guys chick?"
Clive "yeah, but i hear he touches cock"
Fred "yeah hes beardy"
by pickletheman April 15, 2008
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A raw untamed force of pure charm,charisma an awesomeness given human form.
" beardy Love of our soul!!"
by daryl Eagle September 25, 2007
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beardy is uber cool. he is a cyber slut *cough* nat and lucinda *cough*
he is a pro footskater.. creater of many moves still used today
ie. the beardomatic.
he has a mazin hairstyleeeee :P
stef: beardy do some footskating moves!
chai: be careful! dont ruin your hair!!
*beardy begins to footskate*
lucinda: beardy i love you!
*beardy gets distracted by lucinda and falls over on the ramp*
by not arran July 12, 2004
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