When a Mullah takes a shit the stuff that comes out is called a basiji.
by Fesharbokhorbasiji October 26, 2022
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Plural = Basijis
A son/daughter of a whore (literally)

Someone whom never met his/her father but calls many men uncle.
Someone whom has less brain cells than a fish
That basiji is such a fucking idiot.
Hey basiji, which one of your fathers do you like most?
Don't argue with basijis, you know they have only a few brain cells.
by PeePee2020 January 12, 2023
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1. An ass-licker of Khamenei
2. An untrustable dork
3. A mercenary murderer who's getting paid in fruit juice ( Mostly apple-banana juice)
4. Bastard, whore
1. That Basiji killed an innocent girl
2. He is such a Basiji, it makes me wanna carve his eyes out
3. You should've seen his Basiji ass beggin for mercy on the streets
by The Matin AKA Abdullah October 7, 2022
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