The state of being ill with Basic Bitch Disease (BBD) Symptoms of BBD include reliance on "abbrevs" such as "totes" or "BFF", the inability to digest foods other than Chipotle and Pumpkin Spice Lattes, obsession with their own similarity to a character on Sex and The City, dependance on Pinterest and Ugg Boots and other Basic Ass Shit
"Have you seen Ashley's Instagram lately? Does she ever take off that annoying infinity scarf?"

"I know, she's totally caught the basickness"
by Han Solo Knows January 11, 2015
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Basic, but sick AF;
Someone who enjoys the “basic” lifestyle but is still cool AF to hangout with.
Person 1: “is that a PSL she is drinking? She must be basic”
Person 2: “ No dude, she’s dope AF to hangout with. She’s not basic, she’s basick
by SayWatt? August 14, 2019
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Atleast Knowing the basics of a language
Ey bro he was 'Basicking' that language.
by BasicKing December 4, 2019
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