An xbox player who changed his name from basicallytoxik to HENTAIxFLAPS, then to Pøst2Tøxik. Toxik, has been playing video games the majority of his life starting at 8 years old on a Playstation2 that his mom got him for his birthday. A little while later got an Xbox 360 plus. And now an Xbox one, which he currently plays today. Rainbow six siege is his primary game that he currently sucks ass in along with gta and modern warfare because he's simply dogshit at pvp even though his stats say other wise. "Stats don't mean shit"-basicallytoxik. He likes to troll people when he gets the chance and is a really funny guy when you get to know him. He has a very toxik personality though.
"Stop playing like basicallytoxik! You're a piece of shit. Stop playing the game and get a life you imbred piece of garbage"
by basicallytoxik September 21, 2021
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