Six finger country, home to 'Bargonians'.This is the place to go if you want to marry your cousin, get stoned, and drink piss at the traino, call strangers 'mate', or have a life career on the dole. Bargo grows as Australias economy falls, as per Julia Gillard government. Bargo also houses the colliery situated on some of the most picturesque land in Australia.
Bargonian: "Yeah mate I live in Bargo mate"

Outsider: "Geez sorry to hear bout that"
Bargonian: "Nah, fuckin' good, guvnmen pay for me beeah"
Outsider: "How do you manage that?"
Bargonian: "Dole"
by Deviant 789 September 23, 2011
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A Welsh mythological creature similar to a magpie. It has a singular horn like claw, which it uses to steal the eyeballs of unaware passersby; which it then uses for sustenance.
Watch out! That's a Bargoed Unicorn, they steal eyeballs!
by WelshCyclops November 25, 2015
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A Bargo is a person with godlike qualities. They are admired and respected very much as if he or she were perfect. Overall, their energy and talents elevate them to godlike status
by LordM August 3, 2022
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Look at Bargo, he’s got such a divine appearance!
by MarcN August 3, 2022
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A Bargo is a person that has high intellectual capacity and excessive charisma. Hence, a Bargo has a Godlike appearance.
Hey, this man is so charismatic!

Yeah! What a Bargo!
by MarcN August 3, 2022
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Bargo is the definition of getting an amazing deal when shopping. It's way better than a bargain.
I just went shopping and got the best bargo ever!!

I bought a cake for $0.99 what a bargo!
by Freddy Synths Bed. October 9, 2019
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