A wannabe transgender Instagram model who does nothing special besides posting selfies, but acts like she’s famous. She hides that she’s trans but people know the truth.
Friend: Trap Barbie followed me on instagram!
Friend: Don’t get too excited bro, you know she a tranny.
by brannnnndu March 7, 2019
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When you ask a girl out on a date solely based on her looks, and she ends up having zero positive personality traits.
Shawn: Dude, how did your date go last night?
Rob: Shit, man, it was awful. I mean she looked great but the minute the waiter left, she turned into a total rascist asshole.

Shawn: Well Rob, maybe if you weren't so damn shallow you wouldn't be constantly Barbie Trapped.
by SoupOrSpy September 7, 2015
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