A metal screen door that is attached to your front door.
Make sure you lock the Mexican babysitter. We don't want the kids to escape while we are out.
by BadmotorfingerC15 January 28, 2022
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Another name for a sixteenth of an Oz of dope.a teener or teen.....aka a babysitter.
I ran out this morning....any idea where I can find a babysitter?
by Dope boy magick February 27, 2018
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A person that plays dead by daylight, injures you with the killer, hangs you, and stands around waiting for others to try and save you so you can kill them too, therefore, being the biggest pussy to ever play dead by daylight
by Godly T August 16, 2018
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Used to describe a fandom (or group of people) that acts chaotic for no good reason.
Person 1: Hey, I heard ya got into a new fandom! How was it?
Person 2: Oh god, it was horrible, it was like a daycare with no babysitter in there. I'm only in it for the characters by this point.
by -msaw- February 16, 2022
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When you're the person who's sitting in back with another person or persons you don't know too well or just met, and you have to entertain /talk to them. #wishiwasinthepassengerseatcuzthisisawkward
Friend 1: I'm mad at my Mike.
Friend 2: Why?
Friend 1:
Because I had to be the backseat babysitter to that random while ya'll sat in front chillin.
Friend 2: That was Brandon
Friend 1: I don't f******know him tho!
by BitchyGoose June 16, 2019
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An American who stands in line at an amusement park and has their personal space invaded by foreign children that are standing behind them. The children usually do not speak English and are unable to keep their hands to themselves.
Guy: "Dude, why is that kid's face all up in your ass?"
Other guy: "I have no idea. I feel like an unintentional babysitter."
by puffswithlosh August 10, 2010
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