Nickname for Howard Stern show producer Gary Dell'Abate. Bestowed on him when one day during a show Gary insisted that he had a animation cell of Quick Draw McGraw sidekick "Baba Booey" When Gary was proven wrong (actually "Baba Louie"), as punishment Howard called Gary Baba Booey for the rest of the broadcast. After the broadcast, Gary was heard to say "Well, I'm glad that joke's over." Little did he know.
Ridiculed for having big teeth, bad breath, looking like a monkey or a babboon, and being overly defensive when something he does is questioned.
"His teeth are green and skunky, and he looks just like a monkey, Baba Booey"
"What is it, Baba Booey?"
by Henry June 17, 2006
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This is the nick name given to Howard Stern's show long time producer, Gary Dell'Abate, by Howard Stern.

Howard gave him the name when he mispronounced "Baba Louie" an animation that Gary was was collecting. Howard goofed on him all day as usual and they thought it was going to end there. It never did.

It now is a popular term that Howard Stern Show super fans use as a greeting or a sign referring to the show and its antics.
It is constantly used when people prank radio or tv stations on the air or on set and yell baba booey.
As a Greeting
. ..Baba Booey to you...

As a prank
Joey Boots :"Baba Booey Baba Booey Howard Sterns Penis Baba Booey"

As a noun
Where is Baba Booey? (Where is Gary)

As a verb
He Baba Booeyed that game. ( to mess up the game as Gary did throwing is infamous pitch)
by dadyyyy January 15, 2011
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Gary Dell’Abate, Howard Stern's producer.
Gary purchased a cell of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon character, Baba Looie, which he called “Baba Booey.” Gary took a lot of ribbing from Howard and gang over this and somehow, the name took hold.
Baba-Booey,put on your bee keeper's mask.
by Sabernaut March 18, 2007
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The nickname given to Howard Stern’s Producer Gary Dell'Abate. It originated on The Howard Stern Show on July 26, 1990, after mispronouncing Quick Draw McGraw's sidekick Baba Looey as "Baba Booey". The rest of the crew busted his chops mercilessly. Speaking to Howard at the end of the show, Dell'Abate said, "I think we've taken this as far as it will go." Howard Stern replied, "Gary, we've only scratched the surface of this." Dell'Abate is still Baba Booey to this day. "Baba Booey" is also a mantra for the fans of The Howard Stern Show.
Baba Booey has stinky breath and big teeth.
by Elvisisalive95 February 16, 2021
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Gary Dela Bate from Howard Stern show collected animation originals. He mistakenly thought the cartoon charater Baba Looey was actually Baba Booey. The name has stuck as an idiot who thinks he knows something when he really is a total idiot!
Baba Booey was about to leave a Cleveland Steamer on Jackie The Jokeman, but instead was promoted to a Brown Star General!
by klip July 14, 2005
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A term yelled out during live news reporting. Commonly known as Howard Sterns producer and who Sal Governale calls a horse tooth jackass. To make fun of a person.
fafa flo fla Baba Boey is a longer version
Dont be such a Baba Booey
This is Larry King reporting live hello caller?...... Baba Booey Baba Booey!
by HamilTonyan December 22, 2010
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Fucking up by throwing the ceremonial first pitch at a New York Mets Game
He threw that pitch so bad it was Baba Booey'd.
by Washington Hatfield May 12, 2009
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