Gabot Avootot.
Hey that's Azulay... He has Gabot Avootot.
by Sex offender69696969 November 18, 2020
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A person who has really THICCC eye brows like REALLY big and stronk

He thinks he knows how to play the piano and LOVES the beach.
by conall2002 November 18, 2020
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Commonly mistaken for Luke Combs. He uses guns as currency and you can typically find him with a hammer and flannel no matter the setting or season. Famous for climbing Hellbrook Trail and being the first man to be diagnosed with Squiggly Diggly

Larry: No, that’s just Mike Azulay. You can tell by the Squiggly Diggly
by Lukecombslover July 14, 2022
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