Autosexuality: the practice of self gratification due to an inability (or disdain from) finding a partner.
Autosexuality is not reserved for women as the primary defination would suggest.

Being a heterosexual male, I have been unable to find a female partner for years and have just accepted the fact that I will be autosexual for the rest of my life.
by bikejon July 10, 2006
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Someone who is attracted to only them self
Oh man, im so attracted to my self! im such an autosexual. i wanna fuck my self tonight
by Yazuken January 10, 2004
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Someone who rather masterbate then have sex
I heard he couldn't get it up, because he's a autosexual
by Ajay Graham September 26, 2007
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The act of being attracted to cars.
"I looooove cars!" said Roland. "Are you autosexual, like attracted to cars.?" said some random guy.
by Pulling A STEVEN February 28, 2017
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Reproducing with oneself, such as a hermaphrodite who is not sterile in either set of genitalia or a plant with both male and female parts.
"Well, go fuck yourself!"

"Actually, doing autosexual reproduction sounds like fun right now, thanks."
by Acrazia October 4, 2011
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Being sexually attracted to an automobile/vehicle. Some may mistake this for loving themselves, but they're all wrong. That is called "Love Yourself" go check out BTS album xoxo
Boy 1:"Hey do you see that Australian girl over there?"

Boy 2: "I heard she's Autosexual...look out.. or your Lamborghini is going to get snatched."

Boy 1: "Oh shit ok. Thanks for the heads up."
by DokiDoke April 17, 2020
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Someone who is sexually attracted to themself. Autosexuality differs from autophilia in that it is always a primary attraction (more likely to be attracted to themself than anyone else) while autophilia can be preferential (preferred but not required). Despite the name, autosexual is not a sexual orientation.
I would rather have sex with a clone of myself or masturbate, than someone else because I am autosexual.
by Shugunou January 27, 2023
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