A famous painter who loved to create magnificent detailed and colorful artwork-renderings of the different makes/models of zippy cars that traverse Germany's high-speed motorways.
Like his well-known feathered-friend-image-painting counterpart, John James Autobahn's one big regret about his work was that he was obliged to bring to a stop and park each of the speedy cars that he "captured on canvas", so that said "subject" vehicle would stay still for him to scrutinize its minute features and reproduce them with his pigments. John was famously known as"the boy who hated garages" --- he felt that these man-made and "confining" monstrosities were all so hideously ugly, and that the fast and nimble "light on their wheels" vehicles he loved were so much more beautiful and delightful to observe when they were out roaming and racing about, just as free as the air they passed through.
by QuacksO April 27, 2019
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A precise definition of this phenomenon would attempt to describe the seemingly frictionless surface experienced by toilet paper sheets during the first wipe of an extremely messy, runny shit. The unexpected speed at which the hand slips on the shit and moves through the target zone emphasizes its likeness to the high speed Autobahn in Germany.
Wow, brother. Had to hop on the Autobahn for that one, brother. Really brutal shit. Watch out for the spray splatter in there; I used up half the roll.
by BambooHead June 29, 2022
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A term used to tell another individual to quote,”Play in traffic”, to imply that one should commit the self imposed ending of one’s life by allowing one robe struck by oncoming traffic.
Facebook trash: “Your people are thieves and murderers!.”

You: “The Autobahn awaits you, have fun!.”
by ThatdarnShepard June 26, 2023
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a person who drives up and down the autobahn motorway for days on end without showering.
Man, you see that autobahn trash kid, he's been driving up and down the autobahn for a week straight without showering.
by Ronny Sweeet February 24, 2009
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Willkommen, where are we ? DAS IST GUT!

OK , sunsets, das ist gut.
Sauerkraut, das ist gut.
The autobahn, wrumm wrumm, das ist gut.
Oompa music, das ist gut.
Euthanasia for the mantally feeble, das ist gut.
by SWGYArnold February 26, 2017
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German highway probably with no speed limit
Autobahn geht gar nicht
by freds_de December 4, 2018
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