A paraphilia where a biological female is sexually aroused by seeing herself as a man.
by dv689 March 28, 2020
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A sexual paraphilia where a biological female is sexually aroused by seeing herself as a man.
"Phoebe turns on everytime she puts on men's clothes due to her autoandrophilia. She is not a trans boy"
by dv689 March 27, 2020
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A sexual paraphilia where a biological female is sexually aroused by seeing herself as a man.
"Phoebe turns on everytime she puts on men's clothes, due to her autoandrophilia. She is not a trans boy."
by dv689 March 27, 2020
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The idea that transgender men are women who are so lesbian that they want to be male.

Autoandrophilia is false, and debunked by the existence of transgender men who are also gay (i.e. transgender men who like other men).

Similar to autogynephilia, except the sexes are reversed. Commonly believed by transphobes, TERFs, and people from the 1980s.
TERFs are misogynist transphobes who hide under the guise of “protecting women's rights”. However, by perpetuating such outmoded ideas about transgender people like autoandrophilia, they fail at their only purported purpose.
by cutesy pastel living doll September 16, 2018
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