The process by which you assify something.

The act of overdoing something to the point it where you have created crap.
Thanks for the complete assification of that poster.

Now that the assification is complete wait and see it all go to hell.
by XpideR G August 6, 2009
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the misuse by UCLA professors of the term "acidification" during academic lectures on concerning the pH of ocean water.

the gradual increase in obtaining ass
oceans continue to assify

increased assification in the oceans
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A super nice mother who is also kind of a loser. They are still kinda cool though
Omg you are such an Assif 🤪
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A combination between "Lucifer" and in Jennifer Lopez.

This word is also in reference to Jennifer Lopez's famous big ass.

Someone who is evil and desecrates the sacrament of marriage by marrying over and over again.
"She's such an assifer-- how many times will she marry again?"
by Jickee July 31, 2004
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To make an ass out of yourself to get out of a horrible situation.
The quickest way to pull off a self-assification? Making an ass of yourself. Faking a massive bowel movement.

"After being asked to clean the yard, I did some self - assification by telling them I had explosive diarrhea."

"I had to work my self - assification to get out of cleaning the toilet yesterday"
by tomgreene March 4, 2010
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