List of Items Needed Before Beginning:
-Pizza costume
-Hamburger Costume
-Chicken Costume
-Parmesan cheese, ketchup and a raw egg

Three people dress up in each of the above costumes. They walk into the bar and find one patron to join them in sexepades. The patron strips down butt ass naked to prepare to get punished. The pizza costume person sprinkles Parmesan cheese on the asshole of the patron. The hamburger costume person injects ketchup up the anus of the patron. Lastly, the chicken costume person shoves a raw egg up the ass of the patron and clucks like a chicken for one minute. The patron then starts dancing the Macarena butt naked until he/she cracks the raw egg in their asshole and shits out the ketchup. Due to the intense pressure the patron will be under, they are to call for a ride home from the bar and leave their white Dodge Ram in the parking lot so everyone knows they had a “rough” night.
Tim: I saw Brian’s truck was in the parking lot this morning.

Rick: He must have gotten introduced to the Asbury Threeway last night.

Tim: OMG, lucky!!
by Wagonwheel69 November 13, 2021
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