a town located in westchester, ny. it is a bedroom community to nyc, and that's all it really is. there is nothing to do there, the people are not very friendly, the environment is extremely cliquey, and a large percentage of the people are wannabes. getting high in random parts of town is a popular activity for armonk teens (behind the dumpster is an example). drinking in the woods behind your parent's mc.mansion when they are away on business is a leisure activity as well. people are either "old timers" (typical small-town ny people who don't believe in evolution and enjoy nascar races and country music) or they're fairly new, meaning they've been here 6 years or less, live in a home that is so blown up out of proportion it is insanely gaudy, and are more often than not stuck up. you love it or you hate it.
back in the day, armonk was a town nobody had ever heard of before, and its population consisted of avid church-goers who did wholesome activities such as town fairs and farming. in this day and age, 99% of the world's population has not heard of this place and probably has no desire to, but it is built up on dirty money, greed, agression, and the overall feel of the town roughly translates to the song beast and the harlot
excerpts from the song:
"this shining city built of gold, a far cry from innocence...there's more than meets the eye round here to the waters of the deep...a city of evil...
by a sad escuse for a silly lass October 13, 2007
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a small town in Westchester County, NY renowned for producing per-capita, the largest number of geniuses in the world. (969)
Scientists at CERN, Switzerland are currently building a very large experiment to test the theory that Armonk is actually a pocket-universe of special, extra-dimensional physical laws which explain the 'super-normal' level of mental capacity, good looks and 'joie de' vie' that exists among the population of this extraordinarily beautiful place.
My calculations tell me that Armonk can officially be regarded as 'out-of-this-world'! BTW all the babes have rockin' asses and the dudes are pure muscle.
by RomeoBee September 3, 2016
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Kids who live in Armonk where 99.9% of the people are fucking rich. 99.9% of the people are spoiled. The kids are overly obsessed with getting straight A+s and if they get an A they become depressed. People care a lot about looks. They spend money on Gucci, Channel, and the list goes on. If you don’t have any of these items you are said to be poor. Parties are very interesting. They are all hook up parties. However that .1% of people are not spoiled. AND some kids are stupid but that’s fine bc they’re rich so they’ll pay their way into a ivy legue school.
i hate these Armonk kids.
by iwanttobefamous June 18, 2019
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