The funniest Welsh guy out. Sexy and intelligent too. I mean ARKADY, how cool a name's that?! It can be abbreviated to rkd.
There's quite a lot of Russian people called Arkady.
Damn, Arkady's awesome, talented, hilarious and such a babe.
by cheetah69 February 15, 2014
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Arkadi is man who know what he doing he is extremely self awared and very trusted in his social community.
"He is kind of Arkadi you can trust on him "
by Legengchampagne January 26, 2018
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- probably the coolest person you can ever meet, everything amazing is associated with this name.

- he fucks shit up

- Huge baller
by bagira November 30, 2011
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The act of faking your own death, and coming back from the dead less than 24 hours later due to some circumstances that need to be handled.
Bro, Stacy ditched an exam but then Kira's party was that same night so she Arkady Babchenko-ed it.

Dude, I might need to Arkady Babchenko this weekend...I need to do go to the dentist, then meet that brat Krista.
by Anna Winchester May 30, 2018
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Awesome lad, massive 18 inch rhino cock, owns all the bitches in town. Is always the smartest and funniest person in the room.
Man, Arkady’s dick is fucking huge
by Bigmanbigballs69 November 23, 2021
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