Yes, I am your father and I have brought back some milk! I also bought that lego set you want and got you a $100 dollar bill for your 10th birthday.
person 1: Are you my father?
person 2: Yes, I am. So get in my white van and ride to Toys R Us with me.
by Beastmode1158 November 2, 2020
Get the Are you my father? mug.
A greeting used to proclaim one's intention to kill based on past murders. More specifically, if you happen to be in the movie The Princess Bride.
Person 1: Hallo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Person 2: Dude, wtf?!
Person 1: Princess Bride moment.
Person 2: Oh got it! AAAAAAAH (*runs away screaming)
by lrb323 December 12, 2010
Get the Hallo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. mug.