A person according to the internet and or the banking industry who has a sender bank account to pay fees and is the only solutions provider for requesting bank fees from where the financial compliance is not up to standard and the potential employment policies are not up to standard. If they don't have a sender bank account they have lots of money to send through up to the level of a small loan even so the bank doesnt have to do anything like create a balancing overdraft they just have to point at anyfriend and or anyfamilymember, forget ids and or personal identification registry checks, that's not important at any country
Actual: I sent a share query of what I am looking for to anyfriend and or anyfamily member asking for a bank transfer of funds to pay fees on the bank account due to some rude insert from the labour market and the responce was a referal back to the job market
Expected a bank to bank transfer of a small potion of funds from a moderately not empty bank fulled partially and or over the limits from uninterrupted working conditions to one of my empty bank accounts where the bank account arrives empty and the salaries are so low that they almost inconsequential.
by Patrick the Starfish001 November 1, 2023
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