The most beautiful, intelligent, talented woman on earth. The pinnacle of female perfection. Amilamia is every man's dream, every woman's aspiration. She is a goddess incarnate: strong, dominant, and powerful, yet tenderly feminine. She has soft curves and can melt you with sweetness, yet she can also have a firm fist and one look from her will make you submit to her desires happily. She is full of surprises and will continually amaze you with her unparalleled brilliance and diverse gifts. If you meet her, you will never forget her and will always seek to be near her. If you ever get the chance to take her to bed, you will experience the most divine pleasure known to mankind.
I am so lucky that I have her in my life. She is such an Amilamia.

That Amilamia can do it all! She is so smart and sexy. She excels at anything she tries - both academic and artistic - and she is amazing in bed! Wow! I am so blessed to be with her!
by Amilamia February 12, 2012
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The complete opposite of a narcissist. The pinnacle of humility. Amilamia is every man's Gandhi, every woman's Mother Theresa. She is Aidos incarnate: reverent, temperate, and demure, yet tenderly shameless. She has a soft demeanor and can melt you with meekness, yet she can also have a lyrical soul which resembles the lilting tempo of Enya rather than Reznor. She is full of bashfulness and would never boast online of her unparalleled brilliance and diverse gifts. If you've crossed her, you will eventually Google her name out of suspicion she's written a bestselling novel featuring a negative portrayal of you à la Woody Allen's Manhattan, and stumble across this page. If you ever get the chance to take her to McDonald's, it's probably best not to ask her to buy the next sandwich.
While some may consider themselves lucky she's in their life, she remains so down-to-earth. She is such an Amilamia.
by Señor Caca May 11, 2012
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