Alisée is the most increadible person you will ever meet. She is kind and caring and no matter how bad you might want to not think about her, she will always be there to catch her when you need her most. She is kind, sweet, beautiful, everything you could possibly imagine. She is generally blond, aesthetic, kind, and won’t take your shit. You can easily get rid of her by spraying her with sunlight, but if your sane you wouldn’t want to.
Omg, I have a new friend. SHE’S AN ALISÉE!!
by saoupmhaiies March 31, 2020
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Alisée is without any kind of doubt the brightest, coolest, most beautiful, amazing woman one could be lucky enough to stumble upon. Stare too long into the depth of her blue eyes and never will you be able to turn back neither be the same person you once were. Generous, caring, sexy as fuck and hilarious, Alisée will rock your world with a burst of her sparkling laughter or the soft touch of her skin. If never-ending joy, heart melting love and living life to its fullest is not your cup of tee, do yourself a favour and don’t get to close to an Alisée. In case of undesired contact, misspelling her name, starting a sentence without finishing it or taking google maps away from her, may save you from the biggest fucking crush of your life.
I went out yesterday and completely felt for an Alisée
by togaloka January 6, 2022
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