Ahumanist without humanity, amoral, anti human, holds an imaginary concept up higher than they do their own species.
Ahumanist = without humanity.
Asymmetrical = without symmetry.
Amoral = without morals.
Asexual = without sexuality.
Atheist -= without god.
by pavlosnumerouno May 9, 2011
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A person who is without humanity (anti human) holds something else higher in respect than his/her own specie.
Atheist = without god (has no belief in god)
Asymmetrical = without symmetry (has no symmetry)
Asexual = without sexual desire (does not desire sex)
Ahumanist = Without humanity (does not respect human life)
by pavlos marcos May 2, 2011
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1. A person who possesses an absence of humanism. 2. One who forgoes the philosophy of humanism with the view that humanism is unsustainable in practice, owing to humanism’s underlying precept that nature must be sacrificed egregiously when any human, no matter how reckless, is under threat. See pragmatism. 3. One who wishes nonviolently for a day when humans no longer exist. 4. One who denies the stewards of the earth philosophy. 5. One who believes in a personal rather than shared communal responsibility for mankind.
As an ahumanist, John Felt that a large industrial hospital should be built on the open fields near Surrey was illogical and destructive.
by Usagi Jiketsu October 29, 2019
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