Descrimination based on age, either old age or youth. It's always a bad thing.
Ex: NAMBLA and the AARP both oppose ageism.
by Anonymous March 6, 2003
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The act of discriminating a person solely because of his/her age.
adult: Oh please, everybody knows that 17 year olds are always lazy and irresponsible
Me: That's ageism, you do know that right
by Dubiks January 30, 2019
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Another PC term for sentiments and practices that don't fit someone's abstract model of perfection. In this case, refers negatively to any distinction made on the basis of age. See racism, sexism, lookism, etc.
Daddy, I wanna drive!
But you're only three!
Ageist bastard!
* * *
The senile old fool ran over a dog and a hydrant. Shouldn't they take away his license?
That's pure ageism, you bigoted fuckhead!
by octopod November 30, 2003
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ageism is as bad as racism and must be recognised. see "jolak"
I will serve this man first because you are a child.
by David Rees November 23, 2003
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wot he sed. p.s. it is v. wrong and must be stoped.
see also " jolak "
i will serve this gentleman first because u are a child.
by David Rees November 23, 2003
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The Discrimination of people solely based on their age, mostly targeted towards teenagers or the elderly.
40 Year Old Person: "Hey teenager, is that a VAPE in your hand?"
Teenager: "No sir, that is a pen that I bought from the store to do my homework"
40 Year Old Person: "I saw on Good Morning America that all teenagers are doing are vaping, Im calling the cops"
Teenager: "That is ageism sir."

Boss: "Bernie, You are fired"
Bernie: "Why? I am the best and most efficient employee here!"
Boss: "Well, you are 65 and could retire soon, and we don't feel like giving you the retirement plan we promised"
Bernie: "That is ageism I will cancel you on twitter!"
by the hecks and fricks police October 15, 2021
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