A man famous for making shit up and convincing others of conspiracy theory

Or famous for spreading conspiracy theory

Origin: The 4th Ethiopian PM who always tricks the house of representative to believe every shit.
Guy1: Hey you know Samson believes water molecules in Holy water have different molecular structure?
Guy2: Ya man. Samson is such Abiy Ahmed. He also believes in flat earth.
by MadHabesha December 10, 2020
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A greedy genocidal Thief and illegitimate son of Isaias Afewerki.
“There’s more than enough for everyone! Stop acting like Abiy Ahmed”
by Tigray Tesir ❤️💛 February 11, 2022
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Abiy Ahmed Ali is an Ethiopian politician serving as 4th Prime Minister of Ethiopia of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia since 2 April 2018. He is known for his reforms of Ethiopia. He is the GOAT.
Losers: "Down down dictator Abiy"

Abiy Ahmed Ali Supporters: "Stfu you paid puppet! Now I am on you, we will have democracy and freedom! WE SHALL SUMMON ABIY!"
by kingknb July 17, 2020
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A dictator leader who believes he is chosen by God.
Hey can you believe the similarity between Abiy Ahmed Ali and Donald Trump! They both think God chose them. Isn't that weird all wannabe dictators always think they are special?
by MadHabesha December 12, 2020
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