A man who is slick, sly, assumes he's charming, always has something to say, misleading, and doesn't seem to understand the word 'commitment'
A typical conversation with an Abdumalik and his girl's
A- Abdumalik,

1- Abdumalik's girl #1 - Stacy
2- Abdumalik's girl #2 - Kim

A: So what are you doing tonight? (talking to #1)
1: Well im going to meet up with my cousin(referring to girl#2)
A: Oh really that sounds like fun
1: Yeah, you should meet her...she is totally awesome.

( Hence girl #1 does not know about Abdumalik and girl #2, and girl #2 does not know about Abdumalik and girl #1, and finally Abdumalik knows the whole situation)

( A non- Abdumalik would take the best approach and decline the offer...What does an Abdumalik do..)

A:That sounds livee. What time are we meeting up with Kim.

(Yes...thats right, an Abdumalik snitches on himself)
by ShoutouttoAbdumalik August 11, 2010
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