Aaira is a Japanese originated name used for girls, meaning “noble”, “honorable” and “respectful”. Girls with this name are very passionate towards their own creative works. They are hard-workers , lovable, sharp-minded and stubborn.
You're friends with Aaira, never loose her.
by Anonymousgeek February 16, 2019
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Aaira, she is the bestest friend you could ever have she is amazing u r so lucky to have meet an aaira. She is a total drama queen ( from me molly) she is so amazing and will always put a smile on your face. She is so funny and loves to annoy the boys I love it so much she is so sweet and very caring she is very positive and so fun to hang out with she loves talking about drama and I love that about her. She has a hint of sass but in a good way. Everyone loves her. She is so sweet.
I'm so lucky to know my bestie aaira x
by Molly.b April 26, 2021
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