Stands for "All Sluts Take Cock". An acronym for remembering the trignometric circle.
Billy: Sir, I don't remember which quadrants cosine is positive in.
Teacher: Remember A.S.T.C. - All Sluts Take Cock?
Billy: Ohh yeahhhh, quadrants 1 & 4!
by Combi May 3, 2008
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All Students Take Calculus!! Duh! What were you thinking?

It also stands for All, Sine, Tangent, and Cosine. But All Students Take Calculus works as a great mnemonic device.
Teacher: Any ideas for mnemonic devices to remember A.S.T.C?
**Class stares blankly
Teacher: Well, the way I learned it was All Students Take Calculus. There is also this really nasty one that I can't tell you. And if you figure it out and said it aloud I will give you a detention!!

Student A: Tell us please!!!!!
Teacher: No, I don't want to lose my job.

**10 minutes passes
**Student B turns to Student A with a calculator and a little piece of paper in it. Student A Opens this piece of paper and it reads:
"A.S.T.C. - All Sluts Take Cock - I dunno if this is right but I tried"

**Student A Breaks out into laughter and falls out of her chair.
by Jack and Diane March 14, 2017
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