A word used as an ajegtive. there are many use's for this word. reffer to examples
"how did u do on that test?" "i did ass good"
"lets go see that new Bruce Willis movie." "ASS GOOD BRO!"
by manny more April 6, 2010
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1. An adjective used to show how you damn good you think something is.
2. The opposite of a bad ass; a non-violet, level-headed young person.
3. A particularly fine bottom.
1. "This is a good ass piece of cheese!"
2. "Look at that guy, studying when he could be could be doing semi-illegal things! Pah, what a good ass!"
3. "You see that girl? I think she has a really good ass!"
by BootySmuggler August 19, 2013
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a term used much like bad ass but is used as to not create any confusion about the situation.
to clarify things
man that was a bad ass game of pool...
What man did you lose?
No man it was good i won...(Here would be a perfect situation to use good ass)
by zenroller February 15, 2005
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A pun on the term "finger licking good." Used in instances where something edible is quite disgusting and not agreeable to typical "normal" people's taste palette. Can also be used to describe an action done by someone that is disagreeable or shameful.
The selection of food in the cafeteria today is ass licking good like every other day with unhealthy choices and crappy variety.

That was an ass licking good move there kicking that little boy in the nads.
by forrest 69 forrest June 7, 2012
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An ass that is not only visually appealing but is also soft to touch and very enjoyable
Freddy: wow Rasputin sure is thiq
Rob: yeah he really had a good ass
by Ftootf October 5, 2019
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When you find a girl with a dam good looking ass.
by Dez strebor December 2, 2018
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A phrase David uses that has no numerical value, after several inquiries David will still not disclose how much "good ass money" actually is.
"Dude it doesn't matter dude, he's still gonna be making good ass money."

"What the hell is good ass money?"

"Yeah I'll finally be making that good ass money!"
by Billy8686 November 20, 2013
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