"I am on a drug, it's called Charlie Sheen." - Charlie Sheen
by TwoAndAHalfMenFan March 2, 2011
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Noun: The reflective, glistening coat of lube or bodily fluid left on genitals after sex.
1. After making love, he proudly walked through the apartment naked, showing off his charlie sheen.

2. Already late for work, she jumped in the shower, washed away the charlie sheen, and got dressed.
by 2andahalf4life April 29, 2010
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1. Crack cocaine 2. A drug done by Charlie Sheen.
"I am on a drug; it's called Charlie Sheen!" - Charlie Sheen
by conditionalaxe March 1, 2011
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A drug most commonly used by Charlie Sheen, it gives you tigers blood, Adonis DNA, and makes you a High Priest Warlock.
Are you on any drugs right now?
Yeah I am on a drug, it's called.. Charlie Sheen.

by OFWGKTA March 2, 2011
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Rhyming slang for one being clean from addiction but not necessary seeming so. Can also be a sarcastic statement when someone is not clean and poorly attempting to hide their chronic substance abuse.
Yeah! You betcha I'm Charlie Sheen! Why? Can't ya tell?!
by Buntselina March 4, 2011
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A drug that is not available to the vast majority due to the negative side effects of your body exploding while your face melts.
Yeah I'm on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available because if you try it you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.
by Follower's of Sheen March 7, 2011
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